Author Archives: carepackagegirl

I met a cow…

I really did. Quite a few cows.

I haven’t transferred the pictures yet.  But I will. In time. You must meet Fred. And Murray. And Oscar.

Sharon and I decided to “go North” last week. It had been awhile since we’d been anywhere because I’d been working on taxes. And stuff. Not much fun. So the Saturday after I handed in (what I thought were) the final reports we headed north to Marin. I’m just driving, it’s a beautiful day, what the hell. Sharon suddenly gets all excited and says, “I know! You can drive to Pt Reyes so I can use the nice bathroom there!” and she was serious.

So I did.

And on the way back we saw a field of cows. I pulled over and stared for a while because it was that kind of day.

More Later

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